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Friday, September 16, 2022

School Spotlight: Embracing Summer Youth Education

Julie B greets a friend at a Sizzling Summer concert in Novi with plenty of fun things to share!
Julie B greets a friend at a Sizzling Summer concert in Novi with plenty of fun things to share!

You may already know that our Student-Run Credit Union team works tirelessly during the school year to provide exciting and educational opportunities. But did you know that they provide assistance and services during the summer as well? This summer, our Education Partnership Coordinators (EPCs) were hard at work helping the community with fun activities, educational presentations, and more!

If you’ve been to a Youth or Kid’s Concert this summer, you’ve probably seen our EPCs in their orange Summer of Sharing T-Shirts, passing out giveaways and spreading the Community Financial spirit to the community. Plymouth’s Music in the Park, Northville Tunes on Tuesday, Canton Tuesdays are Terrific, and Novi Sizzling Summer are just a handful of the great concert partnerships we were fortunate enough to cultivate this year.

Our EPCs also had the opportunity to participate in Money Mondays, a summer day camp program through the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools. During Money Mondays, our team members visited Bentley Elementary four times throughout the summer with educational presentations designed to help campers learn financial skills to last a lifetime.


Friday, May 20, 2022

A Dose of Reality at Hillman High School

Assistant Manager of the Atlanta Branch, Trena S,
 explains the selections on housing and making
good financial choices.

Hillman High School, in Montmorency County, recently teamed up with Community Financial to engage their students in a dose of financial reality! Hillman High School’s eleventh and twelfth grade students participated in a Community Financial sponsored “Reality Fair,” where students were asked to navigate the world of finances as adults!

The “Reality Fair,” developed by CUNA (The Credit Union National Association) and used by credit unions around Michigan, is designed to engage students in making money-smart adult choices. Students begin the Reality Fair by receiving a profession with a set salary and credit score. After students are taught about credit card debt, credit scores, student loan payments, and setting a monthly budget, they are tasked with choosing their transportation, housing, child care, home essentials, food, clothing, and more. The goal is for students to build a monthly budget within their set means, while simultaneously learning about the costs of necessary goods and services.


Friday, January 21, 2022

School Spotlight: Safe Savers for the 2021-2022 School Year


Coordinator Amy P. and D-Pozit making
the rounds on PCSA Wagon Deposit Days! 

This year our Education Partnership Coordinators had to get creative! The goal was, and continues to be, ensuring that our youngest Community Financial Credit Union members stay safe while being able to reach their savings goals. Through-out the pandemic thus far, there have been a number of methods developed to enable students to make deposits at their schools. Some students even got to enjoy the experience of working the Student-Run Credit Unions while keeping socially distant!


Friday, May 21, 2021

Lewiston Elementary Volunteers Celebrate Perseverance

Lewiston Student-Run Credit Union
volunteers hard at work!

As another school year nears an end, Community Financial’s Student-Run Credit Union reflects on the progress that students have made. Even during a pandemic, many Student-Run Credit Union members successfully set money goals, saved for their futures, and learned valuable money skills.  Lewiston Elementary, located in Montmorency County in Northern Michigan, showed a lot of perseverance this year in particular. Student members and volunteers at Lewiston were great savers, workers, and goal setters, even while wearing masks and striving to stay healthy!


Friday, February 19, 2021

Wayne-Westland's School Partnerships with Community Financial

Community Financial’s Westland branch opened to our members in 2018. Since then, our school partnerships within the Wayne-Westland School District have grown. Student-Run Credit Unions are offered at Wildwood and Edison Elementary Schools. We have also brought financial education to the William D. Ford Career and Tech Center, as well as John Glenn High School.

Assistant Manager/Community Relations, Mary Kerwin,
braves the cold weather to provide students the opportunity
to save their money at Wildwood Elementary.
Student-Run Credit Union Comprehensive Program Offerings  

The Student-Run Credit Union program offers many different types of financial education experiences to its school partners. In addition to bringing access to saving money at schools, financial and business presentations are offered as well as “Reality Fairs” and budgeting simulations, mock interviews, and interviewing etiquette skills. Education Partnership Coordinators are hard at work each day providing these lessons and skills to students in the Wayne-Westland School District. They’ve even found imaginative ways to engage these students during an ever-challenging pandemic!


Friday, June 19, 2020

School Spotlight: New School High Learns Real-Life Skills with the Student-Run Credit Union Program

Education Partnership Coordinator, Kristen La Forest,
brings financial education to NSH students via the
Student-Run Credit Union program.

New School High (NSH), a charter high school located in Risen Christ Lutheran Church in Plymouth, is in their fifth year of partnership with our Student-Run Credit Union program.  Education Partnership Coordinator, Kristen La Forest, works with teachers to provide financial education to students throughout the school year.  Presentation topics include: checking, money management, and credit.  Kristen also helps facilitate the Student-Run Credit Union once a month at NSH during lunch. 


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