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Blog Archive


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Raising Financially Independent Children

Child saving money while parents look on proudlyRaising children in today’s society has a variety of challenges, but none so timeless as the need to teach one’s children about finances. Financial education is a topic often missed in traditional schooling, leaving parents and loved ones to teach healthy financial habits on their own. While it may seem overwhelming to do so, raising financially independent children will help smooth the transition into adulthood, giving them the tools needed to achieve and maintain financial wellness throughout their entire lives.


To help get your financial education discussion rolling, we’ve compiled a variety of tips for raising your children to be financially independent.


Start with the Basics: Budgeting


Successful budgeting is the foundation of every financially independent household. You can introduce your children to the concept of earning money and spending it mindfully when they’re still young, and then build upon that knowledge as they grow older.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Post-Pandemic Money Moves

Re-acclimating to normal life as pandemic restrictions are lifted and businesses reopen across the country will mean more than just getting used to wearing real pants again and working without your cat walking across your keyboard during Zoom meetings. You’ll also need to consider your finances. Have you dipped into your savings? Have you been letting your retirement accounts slide? As you prepare to leap back into normal life, proceed with caution. Be sure to consider your full financial picture as well as long-term and short-term goals.

Here are some forward-thinking money moves to make as you adjust to post-pandemic life.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Five Steps to Take After a Financial Disaster

As we continue into 2021, many Americans are still struggling with the aftershocks of financial disaster. Whether it’s due to a layoff, a smaller workload, medical expenses or a change in family circumstances, the financial fallout of COVID-19 continues to be devastating.

Recovering from a financial disaster, due to a pandemic or any other reason, is never easy; however, with hard work and the ability to look forward, it can be done. Here’s how.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

5 Ways to Celebrate National Financial Awareness Day

This Friday, August 14th is a little-known holiday: National Financial Awareness Day. With all of the uncertainty and financial ups-and-downs this year has given us, it’s about time that we take a step back and reevaluate, reassess, and regroup.

Financial awareness means different things to different people. For some, it comes with the awareness and monitoring of a savings or nest-egg balance. For others, awareness is found in financial education and learning new savings habits. Whatever your view of financial awareness, we’ve compiled 5 ways to help you celebrate National Financial Awareness Day.


Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Using 20/20 Vision in Your Financial New Year's Resolutions

With 2020 around the corner, it’s time to get into the New Year’s Resolution spirit! But instead of doing typical goals, like losing weight and taking that well-need vacation, let our 20/20 vision help you set up some great financial resolutions for the New Year!

1. Cut Down Your Credit Card Usage

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Weekday Shopping

You’ve already perfected your monthly shopping schedule to get the best possible prices throughout the year: linens in January; luggage in March; household appliances in May; patio furniture in September and wedding dresses in December.

But, did you know you should be timing your shopping throughout the week as well? That’s because each weekday brings its own deals and specials.

Here’s the ultimate cheat sheet for your weekly shopping!


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