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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Save Big Bucks by Brown-Bagging Your Lunch

Home-cooked meal on a tableDid you know that choosing to bring your own lunch to work each day can save up to $3,000 a year? Each takeout lunch can easily cost $12 more than a homemade meal. If you’d put that money into an index fund and contribute to it for 25 years, you could end up saving close to $500,000!

Unfortunately, too many people end up buying out each workday because they don’t realize how much it costs them, or they simply fail to plan ahead. Others may think it would be too much of a hassle to shop for, prep, and bring along lunch from home.

Here are some hacks for brown-bagging it to work with all the savings and none of the hassle.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

5 Steps to Take Before Making a Large Purchase

Have you been bitten by the gotta-have-it bug? It could be that popular exercise equipment that’s caught your eye, or maybe you want to spring for a new entertainment system, no matter the cost. Before you go ahead with the purchase though, it’s a good idea to take a step back and follow the steps outlined here to be sure you’re making a decision that you won’t ultimately regret.


Friday, February 21, 2020

School Spotlight: Hillside Middle School Students Continue to Save

Hillside Middle School Student-Run
Credit Union first semester volunteers
Hillside Middle School in Northville provides students with the continued opportunity to save their money at school with Community Financial’s Student-Run Credit Union program. Many students have been saving their money since elementary school at Thornton Creek, Amerman, and Moraine within the Northville School District.

So, what are middle school students saving for these days? A phone, a down payment on a car, video games, college, and clothing are just a few examples. Although the list is wide-ranging, maintaining good money-saving habits during middle school is important for a student’s future financial success.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps

If you’re always wondering how you’re going to pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats and you just can’t find money to put into savings, you might need a budget.

A budget will help you gain financial awareness, which will help facilitate more responsible decisions. Here are 6 easy steps to create a budget:

Step 1: Gather your financial information
Collect all your financial documents and receipts for three consecutive months. This includes all account statements, bills, pay stubs, receipts and more.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Create Your Own Photo Shoot

Professional pictures can cost a pretty penny, but captured memories are priceless. Have your pictures and your money, too, by creating your own photo shoot.

Where should you look for props? 
  • Your best bet for cheap props is your local dollar store 
  • Try discount shops like Five Below 
  • Most box stores have an aisle of clearance or 5-and-under items 
  • Make something at home! Take empty boxes, paint, scissors and glue and create something new 


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

7 Money Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Most of us grow up hearing the same financial advice: spend less, save more, and invest early. While most of these words of wisdom ring true, there are lots of widespread money management tips that are actually false.

You might think you’ve got a handle on your finances, but it’s likely you’re falling for at least one of these myths. Read on for 7 money myths that might be causing you more financial stress than benefit.

Myth #1: Debit is always better than credit.


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