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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Ways to Productively Spend Your Time at Home

For many people, navigating the COVID-19 crisis successfully means being stuck at home as they
wait out in quarantine. Sitting at home without much to do can quickly get old. If you’re waiting out the crisis at home, be proactive about spending your time productively. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Call an old friend.
Socializing in person may be out, but the old-fashioned phone still works just fine. A leisurely chat with an old friend can be a wonderful way to pass the time. You can also set up a video conference to talk face-to-face and reconnect.


Monday, December 31, 2018

4 Financial Resolutions for 2019

Happy New Year! Now is a great time to establish goals that you want to reach during the year. If you’re looking for some resolutions to improve your personal finances, we’re pleased to offer some tips to get you on the right track this year.

1. Tune your budget
It’s great to start off the new year with a plan. A budget is a plan that starts with the income you expect and your fixed expenses such as your mortgage or rent, insurance, and utilities. The plan incorporates your savings goals, and the remaining money is designated for your other expenses. A realistic budget will help you set your financial goals and will remind you to stick to them. Now is the perfect time to assess last year’s budget or create a new one if you don’t yet have one in place. 


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